Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Pinellas Clearwater Feather Sound, June 1st - the newest club of South Pinellas

Wednesday evening the Clearwater Feather Sound Rotary club who have only formed on January 13th 2011 invited the GSE team. This young club is lead by Kurt ??

 The rotary flag of Clearwater Feather Sound Rotary Club, St Petersburg, Florida

Below the club enjoying the finale of our presentation with an Australian gambling game of 'Two Up'. Two up is where two Australian penny's are flip on a 'kip' a wooden paddle. Bets are placed to the 'spinner' (the person holding the paddle) prior to each flip. The coins will either land either 2 heads, or 2 tails or one head one tail.
Two Up - Marshall on the left of the photo in the suit, has been to Australia playing basketball through out Victoria, NSW and Queensland a few years ago now. He would really enjoy taking his wife to Australia and sharing the Australian cultural experience with her. Marshall could not speak high enough of Australia.

Jimmy and his son Jim Jnr joined our team at the baseball game.
It was Jim's rotary friend Scott who won the two up game and now we think it might be an annual game played at the Pinellas Feather Sound Rotary Club.

It was really spacial in how all the South Pinellas rotary clubs received an extended invitation to join in sharing a cultural baseball game with the unknown GSE team. It was over whelming the support that was shown to the club.

President Kurt exchanging a Rotary banners with Feather Sound. These banners where the inaugural banners this club has received as the Australian GSE team of 2011 was the first team to visit this club.

Robyn Lardner legging it out of the back seat of her host's, Donna Blazevic, 2010 silver, two seater mustang car.

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